About me! (besides the ski racing)

My blog posts go into more detail about my skiing, but here is more information about who I am, where I’m from, my interests, and more. I believe a picture is the best way to convey memories and tell my story, so here is a bunch!


 I grew up in the small mountain town of Cora, Wyoming where I am fifth generation on the Cora Valley Angus Ranch. I spent my childhood riding horses, sorting cattle, and all the other equally hard and rewarding work ranchers do.

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Many of my childhood memories are shared with my three beautiful and successful older sisters, Meredith, Andrea, and Laura. Meredith is an entrepreneur, Andrea is a teacher, and Laura is a rancher.

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I attended the Pinedale school system from grade one to graduation, as most small town kids do. In middle and high school, I raced cross country skiing (obviously) and played volleyball. I graduated in May of 2018.

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Besides cross country skiing and biathlon, I enjoy road biking, mountain biking, hiking, camping, trail running, and back country skiing (please enjoy the picture of young me alpine racing).


If you are interested in seeing some of the Polaroids, I post them here. If you haven’t caught on yet I really like pictures!

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At APU, I was also the club president and editor of the school’s journal, Turnagain Currents. I also continue to run the Effective Communication Center which specializes in editing, proof reading, and educating all things writing.

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Post college, I am working for Learn Grant Writing where I do all things administration operations. I have perfectly combined my two degrees and find my work very fulfilling.

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I am very thankful to have grown up on a ranch. I was taught how to work, tenacity, compassion for living animals - an appreciation for what they give us, and many life lessons. The hours spent sitting on a tractor raking hay into rows definitely shaped who I am as a person and I wouldn’t want to have it any other way!

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I am very thankful for the friends and memories I made through school and sports. I loved being a part of the typical American grade school system from the sports game nights to homecomings, proms and more!

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I equally enjoy relaxing activities too! Reading realistic fiction novels, singing, playing the ukulele, drinking coffee, socializing with peers, taking Polaroid pictures, and badly editing ski videos are a random few to name.

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I went to college at Alaska Pacific University where I graduated in 2022 double majoring in Business Administration and Creative & Professional Writing.