Alaska Pacific University

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After one year at the University of Wyoming (UWYO), I realized it was not a good fit and transferred to Alaska Pacific University (APU) this fall, August 2019. It has been a big transition from the big D1 experience I was getting at UWYO to the much smaller liberal arts experience I am getting at APU, but it was the best decision I’ve made! I looked at a few other schools, including some on the east coast, before I decided to transfer to APU. I chose APU because it offered me more in-classroom engagement, is located in Anchorage, a city I already like, a place on the ski team, and the flexibility to travel over the winter for skiing and biathlon.

At APU I am double majoring in Business Management and Creative and Professional Writing. I am also the president and editor of the school’s journal, Turnagain Currents, which you can visit the website here. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to study (probably still not sure even), but I knew I wanted to start my own small business of making headbands (SMPL) and that I am capable of writing so majoring in those two subjects seemed fitting.

Most of my classes are online so that I am able to maintain my studies while skiing which has been very nice! I do and will have a few classes on campus. In Grant Hall, there is a coffee shop that carries Red’s Bakery muffins that are the BEST gluten free muffins in the world. I have to refrain from wanting to get a muffin every time I walk by on my way to class.

It snowed in town (finally!) so there is just enough to go skiing! I am really looking forward to skiing with the team while getting my education. I don’t have any pictures of me skiing with APU yet, but I will this next week when I am in West Yellowstone for the infamous Thanksgiving week!

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West Yellowstone Ski Festival 2019


University of Wyoming