2020 Nationals (almost)


The 2019/2020 season has come to an early end because of Covid-19. Although disappointing, canceling the rest of the season’s races is probably the best option for everyone involved. Here is a quick recap on how the season went.

These last few months of racing have been busy preparing for Junior Nationals and US Biathlon Nationals. I raced the AMH Cups, Besh Cups, and Alaska Biathlon State Championships. The AMH Cups were a really fun series of community races. I did a mixed relay with my APU teammate and we won, woo! He classic skied the first 5km then tagged off to me where I skate skied the next 5km. After the race, we were treated to soup! There was actually so much soup I couldn’t pick which one I wanted. I finally settled for the carrot ginger soup and it was AMAZING. If anyone has a carrot ginger soup recipe, please send it my way.

The Besh Cups (Junior National Qualifiers) were also fun and challenging. I wasn’t my healthiest and strongest, but I had a lot of fun and that is the important part. I raced in Homer (Lookout Mountain), Palmer (Government Peak Recreational Area), and Anchorage (Kincaid Park). Homer is incredibly beautiful! I was ill going into these races, but put out my best effort. I ended up 3rd U20 in the skate sprint and concussed in the 10km classic from 3 tumbles on the race course (oops). The first fall was on a washed out turn where I hit my face and got concussed. My first thought was, “did I break my sunglasses?!” Thankfully I didn’t, so I put them back on and kept racing as hard as I could! In retrospect, that was pretty stupid because I was dizzy and couldn’t see so I fell another 2 times. I was the first to cross the finish line and ended up 5th U20. Apparently, I have bad luck because I was also flattened during the the 10km skate race at Kincaid Park the next weekend. Next season’s goals: stay on my feet! I turned down going to Junior Nationals with Team Alaska in order to focus on Biathlon Nationals, but, in the end, both got canceled :( I am bummed I didn’t get to go to Truckee, CA for Junior Nationals or West Yellowstone, MT for US Biathlon Nationals, but it was a good season, while it lasted, and I am already setting my goals for next year!

Then there was the Alaska Biathlon State Championships at Kincaid Park. The racers ranged from elementary school to masters level, so it was entertaining to race against everyone. I ended up 1st female and 3rd overall for the 2 stage 5km sprint, woo! The next race was a 4 stage pursuit, but I had work, so I just did the same 2 stages as the day before in order to finish in time. Clearly, practice makes consistent because I shot and skied very well compared to the beginning of the season. The first day, I shot 1-2 and the second day, I shot 0-2 (my first clean in a race!) My coach was watching my target and said all my prone shots were in the 10-ring :) It is exciting to be improving my accuracy and speed, especially if I want to catch up to the other biathletes my age.

As I mentioned, I was feeling very sluggish and unhealthy during my races, so I got blood work and discovered I was very low on Vitamin B-12 and Vitamin D. I partially blame this on it being my first winter in Alaska. I knew there would be a lack of light, but it affected me more than I expected. To combat this, I got a B-12 shot and LOVED it! I highly recommended it to anyone who wants their stoke back.

Up next is surgery and, hopefully, fast healing. Turns out I have a pretty messed up left leg that needs attention. According to x-rays, I have a broken ankle and a torn LCL that I have been ignoring for the past 3 years . . . They say red heads feel pain differently, so that is most likely why I didn’t realize the severity of my injuries. I thought I was just grinding in the pain cave! Luckily, all my classes are online because of Covid-19, so I will be able to keep up with my studies while I am recovering. Please send me your favorite books, podcasts, and movies to entertain me while I am stuck in bed!

Huge thanks again to SkinnySkis for the equipment and Nuun Hydration for the fuel! SkinnySkis is having their winter clearance sale this month so go check it out and grab a new cross country or back country set up!

Update 4/1/2020 my surgery was canceled too :(


New Season, New Goals


Biathlon Junior World Trials 2019