Biathlon Junior World Trials 2019


When I started biathlon this summer, I made the goal to race at the United States Biathlon Youth/Junior World Championship Trials in Jericho, Vermont, December 27-31 and, this week, that goal was met! Beyond just showing up, I wanted to feel confident that I could compete against the other biathletes. I did not expect to make the team because I am lacking a lot of experience, but it was a lot of fun chasing the best junior women in the US and start new goals of making the team in the future! :)

Both of the races I planned to do before trials were canceled, so I felt a little unprepared starting my season with the most important races being first. Trials were also my first biathlon race ever, so I really ripped the bandaid off that one. The first race (8km sprint) was bumpy, to say the least. I ended up missing 6/10 targets, oops! I absolutely was in my head because I was stressed about proving myself to the spectators, other athletes, and my coaches. I wasn’t racing my race and my shooting suffered because of it. The second race (10km pursuit) was ALSO a mess because my rear sight and blinder fell off when I came in for the first prone shooting so I couldn’t see the targets. I screwed it back on and tried my best, but it did not work well. When I came in for the second prone and it fell off again, I decided to give up on the shooting part and just ski fast. As a solution, I shot the rest of my stages into the ground in front of me and took the penalty loops. In total, I missed 14/20 oof. One penalty loop is 150m, so by the end of the race I skied a 12.5km race instead of a 10km race. On the bright side, my skiing felt very strong and fast! Thankfully, I fixed the sight and cleaned my shooting up in the next race. The third race (6km sprint) was short, fast, and cleaner because I only missed 3/10 and moved up a place!

This week of racing taught me a lot about biathlon and the bar I will have to reach in order to make the junior world team in the future :) Overall, I’m leaving Vermont feeling excited to have my first biathlon race under my belt, to have improved my results by the end, and am very motivated to ski faster and shoot cleaner for the rest of the season. Good luck to everyone that made the team racing in Lenzerheide, Switzerland and here’s to 2020!

Huge thanks to SkinnySkis of Jackson Hole (@skinnyskis) for supplying me with the best Fischer ski boots and skis! More about partnering with them coming next.

Photos by Dave Priganic (@davepriganic) and Weymuller Photography (@weymullerphoto)


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West Yellowstone Ski Festival 2019